Mould is normally associated with damp buildings or damp areas within your home. Mould microorganisms can quickly fill the air and spread throughout your home.
Symptoms linked to mould illness
Lyme-like disease
Multiple chemical sensitivities
Fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome
Brain fog, memory loss, depression, vertigo
Reduced immunity—repeated colds and coughs, sinus, pneumonia, lung conditions
A natural, safe preventative… Naturoma Anti-Mould Room Sanitiser, a natural sanitising gel which lasts 4-6 weeks and proven to effectively control bacteria and mould in your home, office or car.
Research by University of NSW, shows a kill rate of 99% of bacteria and mould within half hour of exposure to Naturoma. After 24 hours the result is microbiologically safer air for people to breathe indoors. As an added bonus, trials also proved its effectiveness in killing mosquitos. Rooms with a Naturoma are less likely to have both mould AND mosquitos, a blessing in the summer humidity.
Naturoma is a unique, proprietary mix of selected Australian Certified Organic essential oils formulated into a gel that has a powerful antimicrobial impact. It gently improves indoor air quality reducing mustiness.
Put Naturoma Anti-Mould Room Sanitiser in your bathroom, wardrobe, kitchen—especially under sinks or near your washing machine, in the car, garage, around windows. Fix the source of any leaking moisture or damp. Open curtains and windows to allow fresh air to circulate and sunlight to beam in and help diminish the mould-loving environments. Putting a Naturoma Anti-Mould Room Sanitiser in front of a fan promotes distribution of the spore cleaning to the corners of the room and when applying Naturspray Surface Mould Remover Spray leave it on the surface for 5-10 min for full saturation of the surface before wiping over. Naturspray Surface Mould Remover Spray is the safe way to remove mould growing on your home surfaces.