
What is magnesium & why do I need it? đź’™

Did you know that Magnesium is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in the body?

Despite Magnesium’s importance in the body, it’s estimated that about a third of Australians do not get enough magnesium!

Why is magnesium important?
Gene maintenance
: helps to repair DNA
Heart health: can help to dilate blood vessels
Bone health: plays a structural role in bone health
Energy production: helps convert food into energy
Muscle health: competes with calcium to help contract and relax muscles
Antioxidant support: helps synthesise an important antioxidant called glutathione
Brain and nerve health: helps regulate neurotransmitters, which play a role in mood & sleep.

What are the health benefits of magnesium?
1. Exercise performance and reduced fatigue
2. Helps to support mood and brain function
3. Helps regulate blood sugar 
4. Lower blood pressure
5. Anti-inflammatory benefits
6. Helps with headaches & migraines 
7. Reduces symptoms of PMS 
8. Assists in pain management 
9. Reduces muscle cramps & soreness
10. Helps improve your sleep-wake cycle

What foods contain magnesium? 
The best sources of magnesium are green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes.

What are signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency?
Signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency include hyperexcitability, fatigue, confusion, insomnia, irritability, poor memory, learning difficulties, mood changes, muscle cramps/spasms, headaches, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weakness and insomnia.

“Every condition I ever studied lacked Magnesium.
This is why I recommend Magnesium as a part of any resume you go on.”
Don Chisholm (the GUT man)